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Alphabetical pointer of songs

# - все песни : A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : Y : Z : X :
А : Б : В : Г : Д : Е : Ж : З : И : І : Й : К : Л : М : Н : О : П : Р : С : Т : У : Ф : Х : Ц : Ч : Ш : Щ : Э : Є : Я : Ї : Ю :

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Statistics of site

# In all the songs in a catalogue 9737
# In all with chords 6686
# In all with comments 3786
# In all the users 8419

Songs List

To Sort: By name | On date

Алфавитный указатель песен

# - все песни9737 A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z
А : Б : В : Г : Д : Е : Ж : З : И : І : Ї : Й : К : Л : М : Н : О : П : Р : С : Т : У : Ф : Х : Ц : Ч : Ш : Щ : Э : Є : Ю : Я
0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9

List of songs by name - click on the letter in the table, from which the name of the song starts, and which text and accords you would like to find. On the result you'll see the list of those songs, which name starts from this letter. If you want to see all songs in catalogue-click on # -all songs

List S

 Sa lange jag lever [As long as i live; Допоки живу я (переклад Євгенія Середюка); Все дни моей жизни]There are commentsmp3-link
 Sa lange jag lever [As long as i live; Допоки живу я (переклад Євгенія Середюка); Все дни моей жизни]There are commentsmp3-link
 Sa stor ar var Gud [How great is our God; Величний наш Бог; Велик наш Господь]There are commentsmp3-link
 Sacrifice of praise [Жертва похвалы]
 Sacrifice of praise
 Safe and Sound
 Safe With You
 Sailor's Waltzmp3-link
 Salvation belongs to our God [Спасіння належить Христу; Спасение принадлежит]There are comments
 Salvation Day
 Salvation Is HereThere are notes for the given song
 Salvation Is Here tabulatur INTRO
 Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
 Santo (Espanol)mp3-link
 Santo, Santo, Santo (Espanol)mp3-link
 SatelliteThere are comments
 Satellite [TAB]
 Save Me
 Save Memp3-link
 Save Me From MyselfThere are commentsmp3-link
 Saved My Soulmp3-link
 Saving Grace
 Saving the WorldThere are comments
 SaviorThere are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 SaviorThere are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Savior Of The WorldThere are comments
 Savior's Here
 Savior's LoveThere are notes for the given song
 Savior, Pleasemp3-link
 Saviour KingThere are comments
 Saviour KingThere are comments
 Saviour Lovemp3-link
 Saviour Of The World
 Saviour Of The World [Спаситель всей земли]mp3-link
 Say GoodbyeThere are comments
 Say Hello
 Say it Loud
 Say so [Что означает спасенье]mp3-link
 Say The Words
 Say, sayThere are comments
 Scandal of Grace
 Sea of Faces
 Search Memp3-link
 Search my heart
 Searching For A Saviormp3-link
 Seas Of Crimsonmp3-link
 Second Chance
 Secret Ambition
 Secrets And Regrets [Обиды и тайны (перевод Chirk)]
 See His Love [Его любовь]There are comments
 See the wayThere are comments
 Seeing You
 Seek ye first [Ищите прежде Царства Божия]
 Seeking YouThere are comments
 Selah /TABS/mp3-link
 Selah Imp3-link
 Selah IIImp3-link
 Senor Te Exalto (Espanol) [I Will Exalt You]mp3-link
 Sequence 1mp3-link
 Sequence 2mp3-link
 Sequence 3There are commentsmp3-link
 Sequence 4mp3-link
 Sequence 5mp3-link
 Sequence 6mp3-link
 Sequence 7mp3-link
 Servant of AllThere are commentsmp3-link
 Servant of All [Слуга всех]
 Set a FireThere are commentsmp3-link
 Set It Off
 Set Me Free [Освободи]There are comments
 Set Me On Fire
 Set Your Eyes To Zion
 Set Your Love On Me [What would a man give for love]mp3-link
 Set Your Seal [Luke Wood]
 Setting Sun
 Seven ways to praise the LordThere are comments
 Shackles (Praise You)There are commentsmp3-link
 Shadow Of Angelsmp3-link
 Shadow of Your wings [Мой Хранитель, Мой Дух всегда найдёт покой]
 Shadow of Your wings
 Shadow Of Your Wingsmp3-link
 Shadow Proves The Sunshine
 ShadowfeetThere are comments
 Shalom Israel
 Shalom, Shalom
 She Says Black Eye Blues
 She walked Away
 Shekinah [We wait for You]mp3-link
 Shekinah GloryThere are comments
 Shelter House
 Shine [Сияй]
 ShineThere are comments
 Shine For You
 Shine In The Darkness
 Shine Jesus Shine [Сияй Иисус, сияй]
 Shine Like the Starsmp3-link
 Shine onThere are comments
 Shine on usmp3-link
 Shine Upon Us
 Shine with meThere are comments
 Shine [James, Sheppard]
 Should've When You Could've [Могла ты всё исправить]
 Shout all the Earth (CCC) [ВОСКЛИКНИ ЗЕМЛЯ]
 Shout For Joy [Радостно восклицаем (перевод Евгения Середюка)]There are commentsmp3-link
 Shout For Joy (Christmas version) [Пой Тому]mp3-link
 Shout of the King [Царь восклицает]
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord [Иисус мой Спаситель; Мой Иисус, Спаситель; Ісус мій, Спаситель]There are comments
 Shout to the Lord
 Shout to the Northmp3-link
 Shout to the Northmp3-link
 Shout Unto GodThere are notes for the given song
 Shout Your fame [Прославляй]There are comments
 Shouts of joymp3-link
 Show Me LoveThere are commentsmp3-link
 Show me Your faceThere are comments
 Show Me Your Glory [Яви Свою славу]mp3-link
 Show Me Your GloryThere are comments
 Show Me Your Glory / MajestyThere are commentsmp3-link
 Show Us Your Glorymp3-link
 Show Your gloryThere are comments
 Show Your Powermp3-link
 Shut Me Out
 Sh’ma [Шма Израэль (Слушай Израиль)]There are comments
 Si Puedes Creer (Espanol)mp3-link
 Si Puedes Creer /TABS/ (Espanol)
 Sick Cycle Carousel [Вечная карусель]There are comments
 Silent night [Тихая ночь]
 Silent Night (feat. Kristyn Getty)mp3-link
 Simple Devotion
 Since I am So Sickmp3-link
 Since I Met YouThere are comments
 Sing a New Song [Тебе я песню спою !]mp3-link
 Sing A Song
 Sing And Shoutmp3-link
 Sing For Joymp3-link
 Sing HallelujahThere are comments
 Sing It Out
 Sing my loveThere are comments
 Sing of the BloodThere are comments
 Sing of Your Great Love [Святый, Святый; Всё что есть во мне Господь]
 Sing Of Your Great Love [Все что есть во мне; All that is within me]There are comments
 Sing OutThere are comments
 Sing sing sing [Петь петь петь]There are comments
 Sing sing sing [Петь петь петь]There are comments
 Sing to the Lord
 Sing Your Love
 Sing, Sing, Sing [Chris Tomlin - Sing, Sing, Sing]There are commentsmp3-link
 Singing Over Memp3-link
 Singing Over Me
 Sinking Deepmp3-link
 Sinking deep [Ось стою біля Тебе (переклала Лідія Дяк церква "Явлення Христа" Львів)]mp3-link
 SJUNG TILL JESUSThere are commentsmp3-link
 Skin Is Burningmp3-link
 Slavery [Рабство]
 Sleeping AwakeThere are comments
 Slip Awaymp3-link
 Slow Down
 Slow FadeThere are comments
 Slow FadeThere are comments
 Smiling Down
 Sniper [Снайпер]mp3-link
 So close [In Your hands; I'm so secure; В безпеці я;]mp3-link
 So Help Me God
 So In Love With You
 So in Need
 So near
 So You Would Come
 Soberano (Espanol) [Sovereign Hands]mp3-link
 Soberano /TABS/ (Espanol) [Sovereign Hands]mp3-link
 Sobre Tu Regazo (Espanol)mp3-link
 Sobre Tu Regazo /TABS/ (Espanol)mp3-link
 Sobrenatural (Espanol) [Надприродній (переклад Євгенія Середюка); Сверхъестественный (перевод Евгения Середюка)]mp3-link
 Sobrenatural /BAS/ (Espanol)mp3-link
 Sobrenatural /TABS/ (Espanol)mp3-link
 Socially Acceptable
 Solo Cristo (Espanol) [None But Jesus]mp3-link
 Solo El Eco (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solo El Eco /TABS/ (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solo en Ti (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solo en Ti /BAS/ (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solo en Ti /TABS/ (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solo Por Tu Sangre (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solo quiero (Espanol)mp3-link
 Solomon's Song
 SolutionThere are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Solution [Решение]There are comments
 Solution tabsThere are comments
 Somebody Else's Song
 Somebody's Watching
 Somehow You Are
 Something BeautifulThere are comments
 Something MoreThere are comments
 Something To Saymp3-link
 Sometimes [Иногда]
 Sometimes [Иногда]mp3-link
 Somewhere In Between
 Somewhere in the Middle
 Son of God [Божий Сын]
 Son Of Godmp3-link
 Song about Yoump3-link
 Song For the Broken [Песня для сломленной]
 Song from Heaven [Песня с Небес]
 Song from Heaven [Песня с Небес]
 Song of Mosesmp3-link
 Song of Moses
 Song of Solomon [Пісня Соломона (переклад Євгенія Середюка); Песнь Соломона (перевод Евгения Середюка)]There are commentsmp3-link
 Song Of VictoryThere are commentsmp3-link
 Sons of Men
 Soon [Скоро]There are commentsThere are notes for the given songmp3-link
 Soon [Скоро]
 Soon and very soon [Скоро очень скоро; Скоро, скоро вже]
 Soplando Vida (Espanol)mp3-link
 Sore Eyes
 SOS - Спаси наші душі
 Soul Cry [Душа моя]There are notes for the given song
 Sound Like a War
 Sound Of Praisemp3-link
 SouthtownThere are comments
 Sovereign HandsThere are comments
 Sovereign HandsThere are commentsThere are notes for the given songmp3-link
 Sovereign HandsThere are commentsThere are notes for the given songmp3-link
 Sovereign Hands /TABS/There are commentsmp3-link
 Space In Between Usmp3-link
 Speak Lifemp3-link
 Speak Now Jesusmp3-link
 Speed Of Light
 Spirit Break OutThere are commentsmp3-link
 Spirit Break Out (Kim Walker) [Святой Дух, приди!]
 Spirit Break Out/Spontaneousmp3-link
 Spirit in the sky
 Spirit Lives Onmp3-link
 Spirit of the living God
 Spirit of the Living God
 Spoken for
 Spring Of Life
 St. Francis
 Stand (Rebecca St. James)
 Stand in Awemp3-link
 Stand, The [Стою]
 Standing in the gap
 Stare The Monster Downmp3-link
 Stars In the Sky
 Start AgainThere are comments
 Start Somewhere
 Stay and Wait
 Steady My Heart [Wish it could be easy]There are comments
 Steal My Showmp3-link
 Step by step [Forever we will sing]There are notes for the given song
 Step Into Me [JoAnn McFatter]mp3-link
 Step Into Me [JoAnn McFatter]mp3-link
 Steppin' Outmp3-link
 Still [Hide Me Now; Вкрий мене (переклад Євгенія Середюка)]There are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Still [Hide Me Now; Вкрий мене (переклад Євгенія Середюка)]There are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Still [Hide Me Now; Вкрий мене (переклад Євгенія Середюка)]There are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Still BelieveThere are commentsmp3-link
 Still believe
 Still I Will Trust You [Верить я буду (СН)]
 Still in love
 Still saving me
 Stir Up The Flame [Misty Edwards]There are comments
 Stir Up The Flame [Misty Edwards]There are comments
 Stir up the flamemp3-link
 Stories (Down to the Bottom)mp3-link
 Storm [Шторм]There are comments
 Storm All around You [Jon Thurlow]There are commentsmp3-link
 Storm all around Yoump3-link
 Storm All around You – Jon Thurlow [Вокруг тебя буря]
 Straight To The Heart
 Strength Of My LifeThere are comments
 Strength Of My LifeThere are commentsmp3-link
 Strong In Us (Brian Johnson) [Наш сильный Бог]There are comments
 Strong LoveThere are comments
 Strong Lovemp3-link
 Strong TowerThere are comments
 Stronger (This Is Our God)There are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Stronger Than
 Su Hijo Dio (Espanol) [From God Above]There are commentsmp3-link
 Su Hijo Dio /BAS/ (Espanol) [From God Above]mp3-link
 Su Hijo Dio /TABS/ (Espanol) [From God Above]mp3-link
 Sublime Poesia (Espanol)mp3-link
 Sunday School Rock
 Super Strong God [Суперсильный Бог]There are comments
 Supernatural [Сверхъестественный Бог]
 SupernaturalThere are comments
 SupernaturalThere are commentsmp3-link
 Surrender [Склоняюсь]There are comments
 Surrender [Finally I surender]There are commentsThere are notes for the given song
 Surrender All
 Surrounded [Как я сражаюсь (Рус/укр)]
 Survival Planmp3-link
 Suspended In You [Я поглощен Тобой / Растворился в Тебе]
 svetits lai tavs vards [Blessed Be Your Name]There are comments
 Sweep Me Away
 Sweet little Jesus boyThere are comments
 Sweet Revenge
 Sweet wind [Веяние ветра]
 SweeterThere are comments
 SweeterThere are comments