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Guitar tuner / Тюнер для гитары

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Хороший (и бесплатный) тюнер для андроида -
Tuner - gStrings Free

Неплохой тюнер для РС - хотя сторонние шумы иногда мешают + нужен нормальный ...
[2015-12-25 05:53:24]

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Alphabetical pointer of songs

# - все песни : A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : Y : Z : X :
А : Б : В : Г : Д : Е : Ж : З : И : І : Й : К : Л : М : Н : О : П : Р : С : Т : У : Ф : Х : Ц : Ч : Ш : Щ : Э : Є : Я : Ї : Ю :

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Statistics of site

# In all the songs in a catalogue 9737
# In all with chords 6686
# In all with comments 3786
# In all the users 8419

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Attention! The Request to specify valid e-mail without points or other symbols of substitutes, otherwise your registration records will be removed without the prevention (where to write if e-mail is not present?)

The login of the user and the password are not stored in a database, we ask to remember them. The notice also will be sent on your e-mail. Please, store this letter as the administration of a resource cannot help you if you will forget a login or the password. The fields marked by (*) are obligatory for filling. The password should contain a minimum 4 symbols.
Thanks for the shown interest to our resource.





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