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Альбом: Name Above All Names

Исполнитель: ALM- UK

Год: 2010

Описание: "Name Above All Names is the new worship album from ALM:uk This exciting studio project captures the heart of congregational worship and echoes the sound of our local church's love for God. With Grammy award winning producer Bernie Herms, ALM:uk have produced a phenomenal album, capturing ten songs of faith, victory and declaration." NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES is a fresh sound of modern worship rising up from the heart of Abundant Life Church in Bradford, England. These songs are born out this thriving, multi-cultural congregation whose mission is to reach people for Christ by being God-centered, purpose-driven and people-empowering. This new album from Integrity Music is the debut release from ALM: UK and features new songs written by the Abundant Life Ministry staff including worship leaders Mark Stevens, Matt Hooper and Jock James with companion resources such as CD tracks and a digital songbook available. "Our heart and our mission behind our album is to provide great congregational songs that help the local church and local church worship teams connect with God in a really strong, faith-filled and practical way," said Hooper. NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES was recorded in-studio in Nashville, Tennessee and in Bradford, England with the help of Dove Award-winning producer Bernie Herms, known for his work with Casting Crowns, Phillips, Craig & Dean, Selah and Brad Paisley. Herms and his wife Natalie Grant often attend Abundant Life's services whenever they visit the UK and it was Herms who introduced Integrity to the ALM staff. Having worked with Integrity and understanding the label's heart for sharing new worship songs with the global community, he immediately connected the two. Says Herms of the dynamic church, "Each time I've had the privilege of being at ALM, I've encountered an awesome move of God's spirit that I believe is the direct fruit of an uncommonly passionate church body, quite radically devoted to reaching their city and the world, to loving each other, and to penetrating a darkened, Christ-starved culture with a vibrant, authentic brand of 21st century Christianity." Integrity's UK office director, Jonathan Bugden adds: "If ever there was a church that expresses its life and worship through loving their neighbors, this is it! And with the dire economic and social needs in Bradford, they are a light on a hill, bringing the good news to desperate people who need to know Jesus." ALM is a growing congregation that includes a wide mix of ages, cultures and backgrounds represented by its three locations - - the main campus in Bradford, an economically depressed area in northern England that is home to the country's second largest Muslim community, as well as campuses in Leeds (England) and in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The church is known for its outreaches into each area including spiritual and practical help for their communities.