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The Other Side

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  • Исполнитель: Avalon
  • Альбом: Stand
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 1
  • Подобрано: VeD
  • Песни альбома:


<< - Показать версию без аккордов - >>

I’ve been so long in midnight 
Praying for the light of dawn
And hope’s been my companion 
In the dark to keep me strong 
But there’s something awesome 
Shining out through the ebony 
And now my soul can finally see

There is glory in the night
So beautiful and bright
A glimpse of You
Coming from the other side
You are reaching through the stars
And You’re speaking to my heart
I know it’s You
Calling from the other side

How could I not have realized
You’ve been here all along
So constant and so faithful 
Through the darkness and beyond
It’s unthinkable, undreamable
There’s peace when I look up 
‘Cause I see the evidence of love

The other side…tonight

I am dancing through the night
Knowing things will be all right
Because of You 
I’ll make it to the other side
You are reaching through the stars
And You’re speaking to my heart
I know it’s You
Calling from the other side


Добавлено: 24 янв 2011 | VeD