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Only For The Weak

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  • Исполнитель: Avalon
  • Альбом: In a different light
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 8
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Only for the Weak
by Avalon

Some say it's rules and regulations 

And trying to always be right 

No room for mistakes in the choices we make 

For only the strong survive 

But it's not about perfect performance 

Or resolution of will 

It's all about surrender 

Giving up 

Being still 

It's only for the weak 

For the faint of heart 

Those driven to their knees 

Those who live with scars 

There's power from beyond 

We're certain where it's from 

And that's our source of strength 

Before we follow Christ 

We need to be advised 

It's only for the weak 

He welcomes the worn and the weary 

All who are wounded by sin 

And just as we are, we can fall in His arms 

Rest and find shelter in Him 

Seems like each day as a battle 

With burdens and struggles to face 

And only in our losing 

Do we truly see how much we've gained T 

he Father always starts 

Within a willing heart 

Open to how He moves 

As His spirit is poured 

He will do so much more 

Than we dreamed He could do.


Добавлено: 16 авг 2012 | Eugene