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Don't Be Afraid

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  • Исполнитель: Avalon
  • Альбом: Avalon
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 5
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Don't Be Afraid
by Avalon

I know it's hard to believe 

When your eyes just can't see 

So lean on Me 

I have not disappeared 

And I can see you from here 

Tears are blinding you from the truth 

Oh, I'm right here in front of you 

Won't you reach out and take My hand 

Don't be afraid of love 

Don't be afraid of love 

I'll know you'll find your strength again 

Don't lose your faith 

Don't be afraid 

There are questions you face 

With no answers in place 

So just believe 

For tomorrow will come 

And with it, the morning sun 

Oh, I hope you will let Me in 

That's when the healing begins 

Won't you reach out and take My hand 

Don't be afraid of love 

Don't be afraid of love 

I'll know you'll find your strength again 

Don't lose your faith 

Don't be afraid 

There's a wall surrounding you 

Love alone can make it through 

You're caught up in the circle you drew 

And when your world starts tumblin' down 

I'll pick the pieces off the ground 

I wanna be there for you 

Won't you reach out and take My hand 

Don't be afraid of love 

Don't be afraid of love 

I'll know you'll find your strength again 

Don't lose your faith 

Don't be afraid 


Добавлено: 16 авг 2012 | Eugene