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Yours Forever

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  • Исполнитель: Hillsong United (australia)
  • Альбом: Across the Earth: Tear down the walls
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 12
  • Тематика: Бог  Радость  
  • Песни альбома:


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© 2008 Joel Davies & Braden Lang/ Hillsong Publishing

153 BPM
Bm | D A |

   Bm                       D       A
1. Say His Name within the darkest hour
    Bm                   D        A
And see His light illuminate our path
     Bm                     D       A
The road is narrow but our gaze is set
       Bm                       D   A
On the love of Christ 'til the very end

2. We walk in the truth that overcame our sin
Leaving our past and how we once had lived
Giving our lives to see Your Name made known
'Cause the love of Christ is what the world needs most

So Lord
 D              A            Bm
Lead us in the ways of Your love
    D             A             Bm
To lead a broken world to Your cross
 D              A            Bm
Lead us in the ways of Your love

We are Yours forever!
     D                  A
Our lives won't be the same
Bm                 D               A
Yours forever our eyes won't turn away
Yours forever!

3. We sing Your praises 'til our lungs give out
To the hope of the world The One who gave us life
Giving our lives to see Your Name made known
'Cause the love of Christ is what the world needs most

We are Yours forever
     D                  A
Our lives won't be the same
Bm                 D               A
Yours forever our eyes won't turn away
Bm                 D                  A
Yours forever our lives won't be the same
B5                 D               A
Yours forever our eyes won't turn away

B5                                A5
__We're living in the One who gave
__His life to see our sin erased
__We know we know
F#5           E5
__Our hope is never gonna fade away


Добавлено: 05 июн 2009 | Fiery Voice