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Your Grace Finds Me

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  • Исполнитель: Matt Redman
  • Альбом: Your Grace Finds Me
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 2
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Capo 3 (G)

Verse 1
C2/G                                G
  It's there in the newborn cry
C2/G                                 G
  There in the light of every sunrise
C2/6                                      Em7 
  There in the shadows of this life
                  D (add 4)
Your great grace

Verse 2
C2                                    G
  It's there on the mountain top
C2                                           G
  There in the everyday and the mundane
C2                           D(add 4)  Em7
  There in the sorrow  and   the   dancing

                 D(add 4)
Your great grace
Oh, such grace

G                                             D/F#
  From the creation to the cross
  There from the cross into eternity
G/B           C2
Your grace finds me
Your grace finds me

Verse 3
It's there on a wedding day
There in the weeping by the graveside
There in the very breath we breathe
Your great grace

Verse 4
The same for the rich and poor
The same for the saint and for the sinner
Enough for this whole wide world

Chorus 2
There in the darkest night of the soul
There in the sweetest songs of victory
Your grace finds me
Your grace finds me

So I'm breathing in Your Grace
Breathing out Your praise




Добавлено: 09 окт 2013 | Eugene