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- Исполнитель: Jesus Culture
- Альбом: Everything
- Язык: English
- Номер дорожки: 2
- Другое название: Ты
- Тематика: Поклонение
- Песни альбома:
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You by Tim Hughes album: When Silence Falls, track 04 group: Jesus Culture; album Everything, track 02 ===== Key: A =============================== F#m Bigger than the air I breathe Hm7 Deeper than the ocean deep Dmaj7 Hm7 - Emaj Higher than the stars above you are F#m Brighter than the blazing sun Hm7 Louder than a screaming crowd Dmaj7 Hm7 - Emaj Stronger than the power of death you are A E/H In the heavens on the earth Dmaj7 There is no one like you God A/C# E And these words are not enough A To tell of who you are (A) E4 Who can know the mind of God? Dmaj7 Who can understand your ways? Esus And these words are not enough F#m - H/D# To tell of your great name verse 2 Your love can melt the hardest heart Your words can bring the dead to life For nothing is impossible for you Awesome God humble King You terrify yet welcome in Your glory echoes all around the world F#m H/Eb You, You, You F#m H/Eb there’s always You, You, You Dmaj7 H/Eb C#/F Unbreakable, unshakable, unbeatable ===== Key: H =============================== G#m Bigger than the air I breathe C#m7 Deeper than the ocean deep Emaj7 C#m7 - F#maj Higher than the stars above you are G#m Brighter than the blazing sun C#m7 Louder than a screaming crowd Emaj7 C#m7 - F#maj Stronger than the power of death you are H F#/C# In the heavens on the earth Emaj7 There is no one like you God H/D# F# And these words are not enough H To tell of who you are (H) F#4 Who can know the mind of God? Emaj7 Who can understand your ways? F#sus And these words are not enough G#m - C#/F To tell of your great name verse 2 G#m Your love can melt the hardest heart C#m7 Your words can bring the dead to life Emaj7 C#m7 F#maj For nothing is impossible for you G#m Awesome God humble King C#m7 You terrify yet welcome in Emaj7 C#m7 F#maj Your glory echoes all around the world G#m C#/F You, You, You G#m C#/F there’s always You, You, You Emaj7 C#/F D#/G Unbreakable, unshakable, unbeatable ------------------------------------------Варианты переводов: Ты (перевод Евгения Шаталова) br>
Прослушать песню (ссылки на YouTube) Tim Hughes - You (YouTube) Jesus Culture - You (YouTube)
Добавлено: 17 июн 2009 | Пушкин