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We will stand

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву W
  • Исполнитель: various artists
  • Альбом: WOW Gold (CD 1)
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 15
  • Песни альбома:


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Sometimes it's hard for me to understand
why we pull away from each other so easily
even though were all walkin' the same road
Yet we build dividing walls between our
brothers and ourselves, but I, I don't care
What label you may wear, if you believe in Jesus
You belong with me, the bond we share
And all I care to see it will change the world forever
if you will join with me, join and sing, sing...

You're my brother you're my sister
so take me by the hand
Together we will work until He comes
There's no foe that can defeat us
if we're walkin' side by side
As long as there is Love
We will stand
The day will come that we will be as one
and with a mighty voice together
We will all proclaim that Jesus, Jesus is King
It will echo through the earth
it will shake the nations
And the world will see
And they will see


Take me by the hand
Join with me
Join let us sing


Добавлено: 11 ноя 2010 | rudik