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Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву V
  • Исполнитель: Gateway Worship
  • Альбом: God be praised
  • Язык: English
  • Тематика: Пасхальные  
  • Песни альбома:


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The song of the redeemed rises through the clouds 
There's freedom in the blood of Jesus 
Darkness trembles at His feet 
Satan has no power 
There's freedom in the blood of Jesus 


There's victory in the cross 
I'm breaking free 
All my chains are gone 
I will sing until my lungs give out 
I'm gonna shout 
Now that I've found victory 


Oh how great a love to take my sin and shame 
There's power in the blood of Jesus 
This same Spirit that's in me overcame the grave 
There's power in the blood of Jesus 
There's power in the blood of Jesus 
There's power in the blood of Jesus 


We declare:

Sin has no hold on me 
Sin has no hold on me 
Sin has no hold on me 
Sin has no hold on me


Добавлено: 02 мар 2012 | vetlana