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The Altar and The Door

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  • Исполнитель: Casting Crowns
  • Альбом: The Altar and The Door
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Песни альбома:


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This song began as a line in the song “Somewhere In The 
Middle.” I decided to name the album “The Altar And The 
Door” before this song was written. Then on the four-
hour trip to Nashville to record, God gave me this song.
~Ephesians 6:7-10 / Romans 7:15-20 / Isaiah 53:6 / 
Isaiah 64:5-6 / 2 Timothy 2:13 / Psalm 14:1-3 / Psalm 
53:1-3 / Romans 3:9-12, 21-26 / Mark 9:23-24

Written by Mark Hall

© 2007 My Refuge Music/Club Zoo Music/SWECS Music (BMI) 
(admin. by EMI CMG Publishing)

Careless, I am reckless
I’m a wrong-way-travelin’-slowly-unraveling shell of a 
Burnt out, I’m so numb now
That the fire’s just an ember way down in the corner of 
my cold, cold heart

Lord, this time I’ll make it right, here at the altar I 
lay my life
Your kingdom come but my will was done, my heart is 
broken as I...

Cry, like so many times before
But my eyes are dry before I leave the floor, oh Lord
I try but this time, Jesus, how can I be sure I will 
not lose my follow through
Between the altar and the door

Here at the altar, oh my world so black and white
How could I ever falter
What You’ve shown me to be right

I’m trying so hard to stop trying so hard
Just let You be who You are
Lord, who You are in me
Jesus, I’m trying so hard to stop trying so hard
Just let You be who You are
Lord, who You are in me

Oh Lord, I


Добавлено: 14 мар 2008 | Fiery Voice