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Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву P
  • Исполнитель: Celine Dion
  • Альбом: A New Day Has Come
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 8
  • Другое название: Мольба (НС)
  • Тематика: Молитва  
  • Песни альбома:


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Can we touch the soul of heaven
Can we unite a sacred lesson
Every child creates a skylight of beauty 
 Can you hear cathedrals falling
 All the universe is calling
 Cry a single cello from your heart 
Since the world has lost her way
Loneliness journey endlessly
Yet the promised chance remains
Gifts of what could be
 So let the children remember the sun
 Let them dance let them soar
 For their lives have begun 
 Let the children engender the rain
 As the river runs through fields 
 Forever subsiding their pain

Every voice along the shoreline
Standing still within time
Spinning unresolved the walking
 As each season passes
 Through wonderland and looking glasses
 The secret garden shires beckon's you
Gentle flower don't fade away
Sweet innocent still harbours thee
In the faith of garden dreams
Where one love lives eternally 

 Let the children remember the sun
 Let them dance let them soar
 For their lives have begun 
 Let the children engender the rain
 As the river runs through fields 
 Forever subsiding their pain

Bless the children for they are the light
They are the truth of spirit in flight 
Yes the children engender the rain
As the river runs through life
Healing their pain 
If you could trust with your heart but for time
Sweet angels, conceive you have
Forever and always believed 


Добавлено: 09 окт 2013 | vetlana