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New Jerusalem

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  • Исполнитель: IHOP
  • Альбом: onething '11: Magnificent Obsession
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 9
  • Подобрано: Official chords
  • Другое название: Matt Gilman
  • Тематика: Пророческое Поклонение  
  • Песни альбома:


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Words by Matt and Alexia Gilman
Music by Matt Gilman

 	 	      C                      G
1. I’m looking for a city not made by human hands
                     C     	                       G
I’m longing for the garden where God once walked with man
                  C 	       Em
For eternity is written on my heart
 	             C                D         G
I’m longing for the day when we will never be apart

2. I looked and saw a city descending down from heaven
Prepared just like a bride for the Son of Man
There’s a day of gladness written on His heart
He is longing for the day when we will never be apart

       Em                  C  	               Am             
Every tear will be wiped away, there’ll be no sorrow, hurt, 
or pain
There’ll be no more night
      B/D#    	         Em 	 	 	     C
All things will be made new, it will be a brand new day
 	 	            Am 	 	 	           D
And in righteousness He’ll reign and the Lamb will be the light

   G	        G/B	                   C
Behold the tabernacle of God will be with men
    Am             G/B	    C	           Dsus D
And He will be our God, and we will be His people
          G	       G/B	  C
And the bride she will marry the Lamb
G/B	        Am G/B	   C	               D    Dsus G
But until that day ___I’m longing for the New Jerusalem

G	                          C
I love the day of Your appearing, I want to hasten Your return
Em	                                       C
The Spirit and the bride say, come for Your beloved ones

© 2011 Matt & Alexia Gilman CCLI#6273486 (Administered 
by Music Services o/b/o Forerunner Worship (ASCAP) a 
division of the International House of Prayer, Kansas City).




Добавлено: 05 сен 2012 | Fiery Voice