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Love Has Been Spoken

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Love Has Been Spoken

What do you say now when your starin' in the mirror
after you fall down 
Do you feel small when your too weak to stand at all
Your on your knees now wishin' you could find a way to
hide your fear 
It's hard to see hope when pain is all you know

Pre Chorus
Fearfully and wonderfully made 
don't you know that you and I were not a mistake 
( don't you know, don't you know)

Oh if you could only see his arms are wide open 
Oh its okay to be humbled and broken 
so let your heart be free cause love has been spoken
don't you know don't you know love has been spoken

Hold you head high you an I were born just to shine this
light no matter what they say you are loved and you are safe

Pre Chorus
Fearfully and wonderfully made don't you know that you
and I were not a mistake ( don't you know, don't you know)

Oh if you could only see his arms are wide open 
Oh its okay to be humbled and broken 
so let your heart be free cause love has been spoken
don't you know don't you know love has been spoken

Grace rushing over you 
his word reveals the truth 
this love in us is meant to share everywhere

We're Fearfully and wonderfully made 
now you an I are not a mistake

(music interlude)

Oh if you could only see his arms are wide open 
Oh its okay to be humbled and broken 
so let your heart be free cause love has been spoken
don't you know don't you know love has been spoken


Добавлено: 03 июл 2012 | Eugene