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It's Not Me It's You

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву I
  • Исполнитель: Skillet
  • Альбом: Awake
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Другое название: Нет, не я, а ты
  • Песни альбома:


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It's Not Me It's You


Let's get the story straight
You were a poison
You flooded through my veins
You left me broken
You tried to make me think
That the blame was all on me
With the pain you put me through
And now I know that it's not me it's you

It's not me it's you
Always has been you
All the lies and stupid things you say and do
It's you
It's not me it's you
All the lies and pain you put me through
I know that it's not me it's you


It's not me it's you, you

So here we go again
The same fight we're always in
I don't care so why pretend
Wake me when your lecture ends
You tried to make me small
Make me fall and it's all your fault
With the pain you put me through
And now I know that it's not me it's you

Let's get the story straight
You were a poison
Flooding through my veins
Driving me insane
And now you're gone away
I'm no longer choking
From the pain you put me through
And now I know that it's not me it's you

(John L. Cooper)


Добавлено: 20 окт 2010 | rudik