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I Do Not Belong

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Am                  C            
I look around and I feel like 
Thing’s changed and I don’t know why
Am            C           G  
Everyday that passes by I feel so far away
Am               C        
I can see in the distance
You have the rest of me
Am       C                  G                  
I put my trust in You, as I look beyond today
C                  D
It’s all becoming clear

                  F     C               G
   I do not belong in a world of broken pieces
                   F       C            G       
   I was meant to be in the arms of Your redemption
                F       Am            G
   I am moving on to the place of Your perfection
                    Am    C    G
   Cause I do not belong

When the world is behind me
On the day that I breathe my last
In the face of eternity there’s
Hope cause I believe
When I look to the heavens
And the future that You hold
It makes it easier to see beyond today
Now I’m looking to the sky

Am                   G
This world is not my home
I’m a stranger in this land
But I am not alone


Добавлено: 06 фев 2010 | Пушкин