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Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву H
  • Исполнитель: Indina Menzel
  • Альбом: Hope
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 1
  • Другое название: Надежда (СН)
  • Тематика: Надежда  
  • Песни альбома:


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 This is the story
 Of a bird with no wings
 But certain that it can fly
 Sailing on love
 Into the head winds
 Forcing it's way by and by

 If only we were
 As strong as this bird
 Our spirit would never die

 What do we name it
 Hope is the right word
 Hope is the bravest most beautiful bird
 In the sky

 Hope is a bird (hope)
 Flies higher than others
 And keeps all our dreams alive
 Free of all doubt
 Perfectly fearless
 Fed by its will to survive

 Imagine ourselves
 Becoming this bird
 We can when we dare to try
 And see ourselves flying
 Over the mountain
 Hope is the bravest most beautiful bird
 In the sky

 Only hope can light the way
 Only hope can heal the heart
 Only hope can keep the clouds
 From hiding the moon and the stars

 If only we were
 As strong as this bird
 Our spirit would never die

 What do we name it
 Only one word
 Hope is the bravest most beautiful bird
 Hope is the bravest most beautiful bird
 In the sky

 Only hope can light the way
 (only hope)
 Only hope can heal the heart
 (only hope)
 Only hope can keep the clouds
 From hiding the moon and the stars

 This was a story
 Of a bird without wings
 And rose above everything
 Never was giving up hope 


Добавлено: 25 май 2015 | vetlana