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Here to Deliver

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  • Исполнитель: Avalon
  • Альбом: Avalon
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Here to Deliver
by Avalon

Call Me, I'll hear your cry 

I'm as close as a prayer 

And I'm here to deliver

Saw you standing on the corner of the street that turns
to doubt 

What were you doing? 

Does the running from the questions that persue you wear
you out 

What are you proving? 

You're searching and seeking 

You're reaching, you're needing a Savior 

Call Me, I'll hear your cry 

I'm as close as a prayer 

And I'm here to deliver 

Don't need to ask Me twice 

'Cause I'm here to deliver you 

Is it true that you are everywhere but where you want to be 

Caught in the fire? 

Are you looking for a love that will finally set you free 

Is that your desire? 

Keep asking and seeking 

You're knocking, you're needing a Savior 

Call Me, I'll hear your cry 

I'm as close as a prayer 

And I'm here to deliver 

Don't need to ask Me twice 

'Cause I'm here to deliver 

Deliver My love 

Call Me, if you're in need 

I'm as close as a prayer 

And I'm here to deliver 

Don't have to beg or plead 

'Cause I'm here to deliver you

It's gonna be alright, ya

Gonna be alright now, you'll see

It's gonna be alright, ya

Gonna be alright, with Me

Keep asking and seeking

Keep knocking, you're needing a Savior

Call Me, I'll hear your cry 

I'm as close as a prayer 

And I'm here to deliver 

Don't need to ask Me twice 

'Cause I'm here to deliver 

Deliver My love


Добавлено: 16 авг 2012 | Eugene