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For the Cross

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  • Исполнитель: Matt Redman
  • Альбом: The Father's Song
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 10
  • Подобрано: Eugene Serediuck
  • Тематика: Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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For the Cross
Written by: Matt Redman & Beth Redman 


Bm     A        G        Bm     A     G
I will love You for the Cross
Bm            A      G        Bm   A   G
And I will love You for the cost
A                  G                Bm  A   G
Man of sufferings, Bringer of my peace.
Bm        A      G        Bm    A     G
You came into a world of shame
Bm           A        G         Bm   A   G   
And paid the price we could not pay
A                       G
Death that brought me life,
G                       Bm    A    G
Blood that brought me home.
A                         G
Death that brought me life, 
G                       Bm    A    G
Blood that brought me home.

Bm                        G
And I love You for the cross,
A                         G
I'm overwhelmed by the mystery,
Bm                     G
I love You for the cross,
A                         G
That Jesus You would do this for me.
    Bm                 G       
When You were broken, You were beaten,
A                      G
You were punished,  I go free,
Bm                     G
When You were wounded and rejected,
A                       Bm    G    A
In Your mercy,  I am healed.

Jesus Christ the sinner's Friend
Does this kindness know no bounds?
With Your precious blood You have purchased me.
O,  the mystery of the cross
You were punished, You were crushed
But that punishment has become my peace
Yes, that punishment has become my peace.


Добавлено: 08 июл 2008 | Eugene