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  • Исполнитель: Avalon
  • Альбом: The Creed
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 1
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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I’ve had a world of possibities slip through my hands
& pray’rs that went unanswered that I couldn’t understand
There’s a faith that can move mountains but I never let
it move me
I only trusted things that I could see

So much frustration & trying it alone
I’ve had the revelation I can’t make it on my own

Deep in my heart, deep in my soul
There was always somethin’ missin’
Now You got my full attention
I give You my life, surrender control
O I fin’lly learned to listen to the call
I give You my all
I give You my all yeah

There are moments in the journey where I wonder where
You are (where You are)
& sometimes I forget that You live inside my heart (live
in my heart)
It’s there I hear You whisper "I’ve been here all along"
(here all along)
& I’m in the hands of mercy where I belong

A silent conversation when You speak to me (You speak to me)
Is the sweetest inspiration & all I’ll ever need yeah (oh)

Deep in my heart, deep in my soul
There was always somethin’ missin’
Now You got my full attention
I give You my life, surrender control
O I fin’lly learned to listen to the call
I give You my all
I give You my all yeah

Deep in my heart & in my soul
Lord I give You full control

Ev’ry thing I have to give
Lord I freely give it all yeah yeah yeah

Ev’ry single day of my life I live
Ev’ry little thing that I have to give
Lord I freely give it, Lord I freely give it
Ev’ry single day of my life I live
Ev’ry little thing that I have to give
Lord I freely give it, Lord I freely give it all

Deep in my heart, deep in my soul
There was always somethin’ missin’
Now You got my full attention (deep in my soul)
I give You my life, surrender control (Lord I give up
O I fin’lly learned to listen to the call
I give You my all

Deep in my heart, deep in my soul
Deep in my heart, deep in my soul
There was always somethin’ missin’
Now You got my full attention (deep in my soul)
I give You my life, surrender control
O I fin’lly learned to listen to the call
I give You my all
I give You my all
I give You my all

I give You my everything
All my life I surrender


Добавлено: 17 авг 2012 | Eugene