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A world away

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  • Исполнитель: Avalon
  • Альбом: A maze of Grace
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 2
  • Песни альбома:


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I've been walking down this long road simply taking in
the view
I've wandered down some wrong roads, hit a dead end or two
Now I'm paying more attention before I even take a step
I've gotta learn to forget

I don't know 'bout you, what life has brought you through 
But we'll keep walking on, headed home and see what He
will do

We're a world away from where we started 
No more looking behind
We can make it if we just hold on
Keep the faith 'cause love's on our side

I point my heart in His direction knowing He will be my
I've learned to follow my affections, walk away from
foolish pride
When I think of where we started, look to the end
See the distance is less now than when we began

And it's now I see, I need you right here with me
And we'll be walking on, headed home if we just believe

We're a world away from where we started 
No more looking behind
We can make it if we just hold on
Keep the faith 'cause love's on our side
We're a world away but we're not there yet
There's a whole lot of road up ahead
I want to ride every single mile with you
We're a world away
No more yesterdays, we're a world away

The One who has made a way for you and me
Is the same One who's seen us do everything wrong
But He can make it all right 
If we believe it's true
If we say what we say 
And do what we do
And hold onto Him
He's gonna see us through


Добавлено: 08 июн 2009 | rudik