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You Still Have My Heart
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- Исполнитель: Rita Springer
- Альбом: Effortless
- Язык: English
- Номер дорожки: 2
- Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
- Тематика: Поклонение Прославление
- Песни альбома:
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"You Still Have My Heart" by Rita Springer | from the album Effortless Oh the mysteries of the sea and sky And how the r-ain falls down When the Earth cries o-ut, water Oh in secret You fashioned, these a-rms to raise, a worthy praise And these lips, to sing of a love I, stumbled onto It’s why I’m here to say, thank You And ~Chorus~ O-h, I s-igh At Your wonders Oh Lord I labor for breath At Your creation Your majesty it has my attention And Your sovereignty it has my devotion And Y-ou, still h-ave, my h-eart Oh it’s impossible to say there is another god like You In all Your ways You are, speaking still and, I-I am listening And oh the image o-f bright red blood Than ran to save and rose to make my life, brand new it’s, wh-y I’m here To say, thank You Thank You ~Chorus~ You still have my h-eart ~Chorus~ Oh Y-ou, still h-ave, my h-eart
Добавлено: 16 мар 2013 | Eugene