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You Are Loved

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You Are Loved

by Building 429

(Capo 4th fret)

D/F#  D/G         	D2	     D/C#
I still remember three feet tall
D/F#    D/G		             D2	
Standing next to you I felt so small
D/F#  D/G         	         D2	   D/C#
I would've walked a million miles
D/F#             D/G        D2
Just to see you look at me and smile

Would it have been so hard
To give me just a little space
Inside your heart
Cause all I ever wanted
And all I ever needed

D/F#                 D/G		
Just to hear you say
             D2	    D/C#
You are loved my son
D/F#                           D/G		
To hear you speak my name
       D2	    D/C#
And say well done
Well done

Staring at the sky I feel so small
Still you see me underneath it all
You tell me I have never been alone
And that you even named me as your own

You still wear the scars
From when you laid down everything
For my heart
And all that you are giving
Is all that I am needing

D/F#	                                D/G
You're a father to the fatherless
D/F#	                 D/G
A hero to the heroless
D/F#	           D/G               D/F#
A savior for anyone who's wanting
Who's needing...
You're a father to the fatherless
A hero to the heroless
A savior for anyone who's wanting
Who's needing... 


Добавлено: 29 июн 2012 | Eugene