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You Are God

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   F/A            Bb      C           Dm
Creator of all things, Healer of my being
   F/A                  Bb               C
Through your righteousness I’ve been redeemed
   F/A              Bb         C          Dm
Forgiven by your grace, Your joy is my strength
 F/A                   Bb                  C
When everything has changed You stay the same
  Dm  C/E  F     Gm       F/A       Bb
  You are God, Bright and Morning Star
            C               A
  When I’m down You lift me up
              Dm               C
  You’re the Lover of my heart
  Dm  C/E  F    Gm   F/A     Bb
  You are God, Mender of my soul
              C                   A
  You’re the rain that makes me whole
  You are God

Ever present Help, Savior of my life
Everything I have belongs to You
My time is in Your hands
My purpose is Your will
I know that You’ll provide
So I’ll be still
Bb         Bb/A          Gm       F
You are the one, that delivers me
Not because of what I am
But who You are

  Em  D/F# G     Am       G/B       C
  You are God, Bright and Morning Star
            D               B
  When I’m down you lift me up
              Em              D
  You’re the Lover of my heart
  Em  D/F# G    Am   G/B     C
  You are God, Mender of my soul
              D                   H
  You’re the rain that makes me whole

You are God (You’re my provider)
When I’m down (You lift me higher)
When I’m weak (You’re the fire)
That turns me into gold
You are God (Alpha Omega)
Take my life (Lord, I surrender)
            D                   H
You’re the Rain that makes me whole
You are God


   C/E            F       G           Am
Creator of all things, Healer of my being
   C/E                  F                G
Through your righteousness I’ve been redeemed
   C/E              F          G          Am
Forgiven by your grace, Your joy is my strength
 C/E                   F                   G
When everything has changed You stay the same
  Am  G/H  C     Dm       C/E       F
  You are God, Bright and Morning Star
            G               E
  When I’m down You lift me up
              Am               G
  You’re the Lover of my heart
  Am  G/H  C    Dm   C/E     F
  You are God, Mender of my soul
              G                   E
  You’re the rain that makes me whole
  You are God

Ever present Help, Savior of my life
Everything I have belongs to You
My time is in Your hands
My purpose is Your will
I know that You’ll provide
So I’ll be still
F           F/E          Dm     C
You are the one, that delivers me
Not because of what I am
But who You are

  Hm  A/C# D     Em       D/F#      G
  You are God, Bright and Morning Star
            A               F#
  When I’m down you lift me up
              Hm              A
  You’re the Lover of my heart
  Hm  A/C# D    Em   D/F#    G
  You are God, Mender of my soul
              A                   F#
  You’re the rain that makes me whole

You are God (You’re my provider)
When I’m down (You lift me higher)
When I’m weak (You’re the fire)
That turns me into gold
You are God (Alpha Omega)
Take my life (Lord, I surrender)
            A                   F#
You’re the Rain that makes me whole
You are God


Добавлено: 26 июл 2009 | Пушкин

  • Пушкин | 08 Декабрь 2009, 18:05:56 Откорректировал аккорды и добавил более удобную тональность для вокала.