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Who do you say i am
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- Исполнитель: MorningStar
- Альбом: Prepare the way
- Язык: English
- Номер дорожки: 5
- Другое название: За кого почитают Меня
- Песни альбома:
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W/M by Don Potter
Time - 24:10
Album "Prepare the way", track # 05
Children come and gather around
I have have something I want to ask
Soon will come a trumpet
Have you completed the task?
You have cast out demons in My name
You have opened blind eyes and healed the lame
You have baptised the lost and forgiven the shame
But one question still remains
Who do they say I am?
Who do they say I am?
Some say Elijah some say John
But who do they say I am?
We have loved those who didn’t love first
We have tried to quench their thirst
We have have carried the word to other lands
We have prayed by laying on hands
We have cast out demons in Your name
We have opened blind eyes and healed the lame
We have baptised the lost and forgiven the shame
But one question still remains
You are the Christ
You are the Lord
You are Messiah, God of all
You are the master of all men
Now I know I am, You are my Lord
Добавлено: 20 июл 2007 | rudik