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Waiting on the Night to Fall

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву W
  • Исполнитель: Casting Crowns
  • Альбом: Thrive
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 12
  • Подобрано: VeD
  • Песни альбома:


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Theres an old man living in the back of your woods 
You forgot he was even there, but youve never slipped 
his mind
Hes living off of scraps of you you never knew you left 
And as the sun goes down, he rises with a smile

Hes waiting on the night to fall
The old mans coming to call
You dont see the writing on the wall
Hell never step out in the light
No, hes just biding time
And while you slumber, hes gonna come and take it all
Hes waiting on the night to fall
Hes waiting on the night to fall

He knows you have the answers, but Truth lies dusty on 
your shelf
And the sword that you could slay him with has become an 
ornament and nothing else
You could put him back down in his hole in the ground, 
but he knows you never will
Hes been around so long you got used to the smell

He knows hell never have your soul
But he will gladly rob you blind
While youre feasting at his table, hell tie your hands 
and numb your mind
Hell take you farther than you wanna go
Hell keep you longer than you wanna stay
And it will cost you more than you ever thought youd pay

Hes waiting on the night
Hes waiting on the night to fall
The old mans coming to call
But you dont see, you dont see the writing on the wall
Hes waiting on the night
Hes waiting on the night to fall
Hes waiting on the night to fall


Добавлено: 23 янв 2014 | VeD