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Unto you a Savior is born (Thomas Thomassen)

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Автор: Thomas Thomassen
Copyright: Joy Church Almaty, 2015

Verse 1:
    C                G/b
The shepherds in the fields 
    Am               D
Kept watching over sheep 
    Dm               C/e
When angel of the Lord came over 
    F                G
And glory shone around them bright 

They stood in awe and fright
But angel then replied:
Fear not! I brought you good news that
Will cause great joy for all the earth!

     F            G            Em           Am
Unto you has been born today in the city of king David
     Dm           G            Gm/c         C7
'A Savior who is Christ the Lord
     F            G            Em           Am
Unto you has been born today in the city of king David
     Dm           Fb           C
'A Savior who is Christ the Lord

Verse 2:
And this shall be a sign
In a manger you will find 
'A baby wrapped in swaddling clothes
Who'll save the nations on the cross

The angel suddenly 
Was joined by a company 
Of great and countless heavenly hosts 
In singing praises to the Lord

[and the angels sing]
C                   Am 
Glory to God in the highest heaven 
F                   G
Peace in earth and God's favor in men


Добавлено: 17 фев 2017 | SongPasha

  • SongPasha | 17 Февраль 2017, 10:42:24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=198ir6-uF2I
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