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  • Исполнитель: Rebecca St. James
  • Альбом: Transform
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 7
  • Песни альбома:


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Like the river that runs to the sea
The sky it speaks of your love for me
It's wider than I can imagine
And don't have to ever be afraid
Nothing in the universe could take this love away
If I were to fly on the wings of the sunrise
Settle on the farthest side of the sea
If I go up to the heaves
You are there
If I make my bed in the depths
You're there
If I were to count every thought that You think of me
They would be more than the sand on the shore
When I'm awake You see what I'm thinking
And when I'm asleep You're watching

Like the river that runs to the sea
The oceans speak of Your love for me
It's deeper than I can imagine
Higher than the sky is your love for me
Like the river that runs to the sea
The sky it speaks of your love for me
It's wider than I can imagine
And I don't have to ever be afraid
Nothing in the universe could take this love away

If I were to walk through the deepest valley
If I were to hide my face in shame
Even there You see what I'm thinking
I can't get away from You
Like the river that runs to the sea
The oceans speak of Your love for me
It's deeper than I can imagine
Higher than the sky is your love for me
Like the river that runs to the sea
The sky it speaks of your love for me
It's wider than I can imagine
And I don't have to ever be afraid
Nothing in the universe could take this love away

If I were to fly
If I were to go up
If I were to ride
On the wings of the dawn
If I were to run
If I were to hide
Even there You know my heart
Lord You know my mind

Like the river that runs to the sea
The oceans speak of Your love for me
It's deeper than I can imagine
Higher than the sky is your love for me
Like the river that runs to the sea
The sky it speaks of your love for me
It's wider than I can imagine
And I don't have to ever be afraid
Nothing in the universe could take this love away 


Добавлено: 12 фев 2008 | rudik