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полная версия новости >>

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# - все песни : A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : Y : Z : X :
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Turn it up

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You are here as we lift You up
You are riding on our praise
Be enthroned over everything
You are seated in our praise

This is prophetic I can feel it in the air
We lift our praise and You change the atmosphere
With hearts open now everybody singing out... oh

Turn it up this sound of praise
Make it louder than any other
Lift Him up and shout His name
Over all

As we praise, I can feel the change
As Your presence now invades
Hear the sound of the broken chains
Prison doors are giving way

This is prophetic I can feel it in the air
We lift our praise and You change the atmosphere
With hearts open now everybody singing out... I am free

Turn it up this sound of praise
Make it louder than any other
Lift Him up and shout His name
Over all

Our praise goes up
Your rain comes down
Our praise goes up
Your rain comes down
Our praise goes up
Your rain comes down
Our praise goes up
Your rain comes down

With shouts of praise
We celebrate
King of glory enter in
You are riding on our praise
Oh Lord

Turn it up this sound of praise
Make it louder than any other
Lift Him up and shout His name
Over all

Куплет 1
Да, Ты здесь! Мы вознесём Тебя!
Шествуешь во славе Ты!
Возведем на престол Тебя
Устроим трон из похвалы

Я ощущаю это в воздухе сейчас
Ты изменяешь атмосферу вокруг нас
Сердца поют
Небо заполняет звук

Сделай громче звук хвалы
Громче чувств и громче боли
Его Имя прокричи над землёй! 

Куплет 2:
Видим мы, как всё меняется
Когда к нам приходишь Ты
Этот звук! Стены ломаются,
Узников освободив!

Я возношу
Тебе хвалу
Пролей свой дождь
На жизнь мою!

Звучит хвала и тут и там
Царь царей пришёл в свой храм
Наполни всё и всех Собой


Добавлено: 22 авг 2014 | Rostik7777

  • Guest | 14 Октябрь 2014, 21:35:45 а аккордов нигде нет?
  • Rostik7777 | 15 Октябрь 2014, 22:50:01 Intro (2x):
    E/G# A C#m B

    E/G# A C#m B
    E/G# A C#m B
    You are here as we lift you up
    E/G# A C#m B
    You are rid ing on our praise
    E/G# A C#m B
    Be enthroned over everything
    E/G# A C#m B
    You are sea ted in our praise
    C#m B
    This is prophetic I can f eel it in the air
    A B
    We lift our praise and you c hange the atmosphere
    C#m B
    With hearts open now everybody singing out
    I am free!
    E B
    Turn it up this sound of p raise
    Make it louder than any other
    E B C#m A B
    Lift him up and shout his name over all
    E/G# A C#m B
    As we praise I can feel the chan ge
    E/G# A C#m B
    As your pres ence now invades
    E/G# A C#m B
    Hear the sound of the broken chains
    E/G# A C#m B
    Prison doors are giving way
    A B A/C# B/D# A B A/C# B/D#
    Our praise goes up
    Your rain comes down
    Our praise goes up
    Your rain comes down
    C#m B
    With shouts of praise we cele brate
    E/G# A
    King of glory enter in
    C#m B
    You are riding on our pra ise
    Oh lord
    Words & Music by Andy Harrison