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There Is Only One

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by Brandon Hampton and Sean Feucht

     C  	   Am
1. There He sits, upon a throne
    F   	   G
Sustainer of all things
    C 	            Am
The elders bow, the angels sing
      F  	   G 
This song, forevermore

Dm7        F
How can I comprehend
     Am 	 G
The beauty that has no end
     Dm7 	     F        Am  G 
He's beckoned us to come and see
Dm7           F              Am 	   G
Every nation testiIies, Your majesty they can't deny
     Dm7             F               Am  G 
Your Son has made a way for them to come

               C                 Am
There is only One, there is only One
               F            G
There is only One found worthy (repeat)
There is only One (Jesus Christ) 
There is only One (Jesus Christ) 
There is only One (The Lamb upon the throne) 
Found worthy (Forever) (repeat)

 F	            C	      G                   Am
What do the elders see, that makes them all fall down
 F	            C                        G  :|| x3
What do the angels see that makes them cry, holy 

            F C	             G Am
We have to know, we have to know
            F C                        G
We have to know, what makes them cry, holy (repeat)

F	   C		   G		 Am 
_Open our eyes to see the wonder of Your majesty 
F	      C	               G
_To join the song that all of heaven sings (repeat)

© 2011 Brandon Hampton & Sean Feucht CCLI#6273503 
(Administered by Music Services o/b/o Forerunner Worship 
(ASCAP) a division of the International House of Prayer, 
Kansas City).




Добавлено: 05 сен 2012 | Fiery Voice

  • Guest | 20 Февраль 2013, 10:24:43 I. There is only One who is holy

    Only this One, yeah, who is good

    II. And rightly I say, “ Howe I love Him”

    Following wherever He goes

    III. Oh how I love this Man, Jesus

    His purpose is my hearts desire

    IV. He`s my magnificent obsession
    Passion for Him burns like fire – 2р

    V. And when I find Him whom my soul does love

    Embracing Him, I`ll not let go

    VI. For His banner of love abides over me

    Ending the dark night of my soul

    III. – 1, IV. – 1(последняя строчка 6 раз)

  • Guest | 20 Февраль 2013, 10:28:03 IHOP - Magnificent Obsession исполнитель Laura Hackett