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There Is a Sound

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  • Исполнитель: David Crowder Band
  • Альбом: Give Us Rest or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys]) - Disc 2
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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"There Is A Sound"
by David Crowder*Band | from the album Give Us Rest or
(A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys]) - Disc 2

There is a sound in the highest place
Of exaltation
Of unending praise

Here on the ground
On our brightest day in affectation
Of a coming reign

Peace on earth, let there be
Peace on earth, let there be
Peace on earth, let there be

Behold the lamb of God
Who takes away our sin
Behold the lamb of God
Who makes us whole again
Have mercy

He alone is holy
He alone most high
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
Spirit, Father, Jesus Christ

He alone is holy
He alone most high
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
Spirit, Father, Jesus Christ

There is a love, like the brightest day
When all is glowing
In unending praise
A beat in the chest like a hammer sound
Like something waking

To a coming reign

Peace on earth, let there be
Peace on earth, let there be

He alone is holy
He alone most high
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
Spirit, Father, Jesus Christ

He alone is holy
He alone most high
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
Spirit, Father, Jesus Christ

Behold the lamb of God
Who takes away our sin
Behold the lamb of God
Who makes us whole again

He alone is holy
He alone most high
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
Spirit, Father, Jesus Christ

He alone is holy
He alone most high
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
Spirit, Father, Jesus Christ


Добавлено: 30 июн 2013 | Eugene