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The Otherside Of Me Chords

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The Otherside Of Me Chords

Verse 1

If they were to write about
The story of my life
They would have to mention you
With every page they'd write
(end verse)
There's anotherside to every story told
If I were the ocean
You would be the shore
One without the other one
Would be needing something more
(end verse)
We are the shadow and the light


Always love me
Never leave me now
Now you are
The otherside of me

Verse 2

If love was mathematical
You'd understand the sum
To the hearts eqaution
Where one and one makes one
(end verse)
And lonely equals me minus you
I have known the emptyness
And living life without you here
Would be living half as much
(end verse)
'Cause I've a need that only you can fill

Chorus x2
The otherside of me


Добавлено: 10 июл 2008 | Eugene