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The More We See

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву T
  • Исполнитель: Matt Redman
  • Альбом: We shall not be shaken
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 8
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Verse 1

Our hearts are breathing in the wonders of Your name

And we're breathing out Your praise

The more we see, we sing 

The circle never ends,

For Your glory never fades

And surely as the rising sun

Your love O Lord endures, Your love endures forever. 



From the heights of Your throne

To the depths of Your heart

Your majesty surrounds us

In the power of Your life

In the grace of Your cross

Your mercy Lord has found us

Verse 2

Your power we see displayed

In all that You have made 

In the sky and sea and stars

And here beneath Your cross  

Your mercy speaks so loud

Speaking straight into our hearts

And surely as the rising sun

Your love O Lord endures, Your love endures forever


And the more we see, we sing

'Holy is the name of the Lord'

And the more we see, we sing

'There is no-one like You, God'


Your majesty surrounds us

Your mercy, Lord, has found us

There is no one like You, God

Copyright © 2009 Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm. worldwide at
EMICMGPublishing.com excluding Europe which is adm. by
kingswaysongs.com) / worshiptogether.com Songs (ASCAP)
sixsteps Music (ASCAP) Vamos Publishing (ASCAP) Said And
Done Music (ASCAP) (adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) All
rights reserved. Used by permission. 




Добавлено: 03 окт 2011 | Eugene