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  • Исполнитель: Plumb
  • Альбом: Blink
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 9
  • Песни альбома:


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Oh I feel so tired
I cannot hardly keep open
My eyes
My thoughts are scattered
and I cannot say a word
and I can't seen to remember
anything I've learned

Well do you have some of those days
When you can't be who you wanna be
When you just need to close your eyes
Pull the covers up so high and drift away

And sleep so soundly
And dream profoundly
Cast all your cares on the
Only thing that you really need
and sleep so soundly

Now I feel so light
My sense of movement's slowed
and somehow my tongue's tied
My thoughts are shattered
and they're making stars in the sky
and I've never felt so speechless
in my life

Well do you have some of those days
When you just need, you just need to be
When you just need to shut your mouth
and close your eyes breathe in and out and drift away

And sleep so soundly
And dream profoundly
Cast all your cares on the
Only thing that you really need
and sleep so soundly

Sleep, yeah, so soundly
And dream, just dream, profoundly

And sleep so soundly
And dream profoundly
Cast all your cares on the
Only thing that you really need
and sleep so soundly


Добавлено: 09 июн 2009 | rudik