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Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву P
  • Исполнитель: Skillet
  • Альбом: Hey You, I Love Your Soul
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Подобрано: ruspat
  • Другое название: Ливень
  • Песни альбома:


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Everything I am is resting in my jar
Holding nothing back from entering my jar
My hopes and dreams I put into my jar
You find my jar as beautiful

Deep the sorrow and pain I put in my jar
Times seem so hard I put them in my jar
My violence burns Youve consumed my heart
Desperation ends with desertion in

А moment of intimacy my life explained and unpronounced
Falling at Your feet I kneel perpetually
Staring at my jar I proceed to pour it out

The loss and gain goes on and on and on
You're in the blood and you're all around
Beauty speaks without a sound
Raging flood, Youre the peace I need
Down, pour down

All my fears and needs I put in my jar
I'd give everything to know who You are
The open space around Your feet
Becomes my resting place, my destiny

The loss and gain goes on and on and on
You're in the blood and you're all around
Beauty speaks without a sound
Raging flood, Youre the peace I need
Down, pour down [repeat]

And all You're, is all I need
You're all I need
А moment of intimacy my life explained and unpronounced
Falling at Your feet I kneel perpetually
Staring at my jar I proceed to pour it out

The loss and gain goes on and on and on
You're in the blood and you're all around
Beauty speaks without a sound
Raging flood, You're the peace I need
Down, pour down [repeat]

You're in my blood, in my blood
All You are, is all I need, is all I need


Добавлено: 31 янв 2011 | ruspat