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My soul cries

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву M
  • Исполнитель: Misty Edwards
  • Альбом: Point of Life
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 3
  • Песни альбома:


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by Misty Edwards

As the deer pants for the water,
my soul longs for You.
As the body dies without water,
my soul dies without You.

They may say, "Come on, get over it
Drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die"

That's why I'd rather sit in the house of mourning
Than at the table with fools.

Blessed are the hungry — You said it, I believe it
Hunger is an escort into the deeper things of You

You satisfy, You satisfy

As the deer pants for the water,
my soul longs for You.
As the body dies without water,
my soul dies without You.

My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You,
My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You.

Take me to the place where You satisfy,
take me to the river.
I'll do anything, God; there is no price,
take me to the river.

They may say, "Come on, get over it,
everything is okay"
They may say, "Why the hunger?
Why the thirsting? Why the mourning?"

But my soul cries, my soul cries

My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You,
My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You.

All my tears You hold in a bottle;
You will pour them out like rain
Weeping endures for the night, for the night
But joy comes in the morning, joy comes in the morning

Blessed are the hungry, blessed are the thirsty
You said it, I believe it; I believe it, I believe it
Hunger is the escort into the deeper things of You

My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You,
My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You.

Deep is calling out to deep is calling out to deep...

Yesterdays depth is feeling really shallow
Ive gotta go deeper, deeper, deeper still
And all Your waves and all Your billows crash over me
Pulling me deep, deep, deeper

From glory to glory, from strength to strength
From depth to depth, I want to fellowship with You

You're not so far away, it's not too mysterious
You're living on the inside of me,
Your Spirit on the inside of me

Spring up, O well; spring up, O well;
Spring up, O well, within me

Holy Spirit rise up on the inside of me and fill me with
desire for Jesus


Добавлено: 03 фев 2010 | rudik