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  • Исполнитель: Petra Praise
  • Альбом: Petra Praise 2: We Need Jesus
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 11
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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"Only by Grace" words and music by Gerrit Gustafson
"To Him Who Sits on the Throne" words and music by
Debbye Graafsma
"You Are Holy" words and music by Scott Wesley Brown

11 Medley: Only By Grace, To Him Who Sits On The Throne,
You Are Holy
Words and music: Gerrit Gustafson, Debbye Graafsma and
Scott Wesley Brown

D                     A/D
Only by grace can we enter
Em7                   A
Only by grace can we stand
D                   A
Not by our human endeavour
Em7                      A
But by the blood of the Lamb
F#m                     Bm7
Into Your presence You call us
G           A2
Call us to come
D                       A/D  D
Into Your presence You draw us
    G             A7      D        Bm7
And now by Your grace we come, we come
G             A7      D
Now by Your grace we come
   Bm7           A              G       A         D
Oh Lord, if You mark our transgressions who would stand
    Bm7              A                G          F#m7/A
      Bm  A
But thanks to Your grace we are cleansed by the blood of
the Lamb
D                     Bm7
Only by grace can we enter
    G             A7      D        Bm7
And now by Your grace we come, we come
G             A7      D
Now by Your grace we come

           Am7                C
To Him who sits on the throne
    G      D
And unto the Lamb
           Am7                C
To Him who sits on the throne
    G        D
And unto the Lamb
   Bb                      C                  D
Be blessing and honour and glory and power forever
   Bb                      C                  D
Be blessing and honour and glory and power forever

        G     C    G       D
You are holy, oh Lord, so holy
        G     C    G       D
You are holy, oh Lord, so holy
       Am               D
What a privilege and an honour
   G       G/B        C   G/B
To worship at Your throne
      Am                 F           D      E
To be caught into Your presence as Your own
        A     D    A       E
You are holy, oh Lord, so holy
        A       D    A       E
You are worthy, oh Lord, so worthy
        A         D    A        E
You are faithful, oh Lord, so faithful
   C                       D                  E
Be blessing and honour and glory and power forever


Добавлено: 11 авг 2012 | Eugene