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King of wonders

To pass to the list of songs which names begin on the letter K
  • Artist: Bethel Church
  • Album: Here Is love
  • Language: English
  • Track Number: 3
  • Selected by: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Songs of the album:


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By Matt Redman : Tim Hughes : Joel Houston

C     - 01023x
C/E   - 010230
Csus4 - 010330
G/B   - 330020 or - 300020
F     - 112331
Am    - 012200
Dm    - 132000
Em7   - 000020 or - 330220

C               G/B
We could try to count the stars
C/E         F                 C    G/B  C/E  F
You already know them each by name
Am           G/B
Every single galaxy
   C/E            F          Am    G/B  C/E  F
Is Your design In majesty displayed

           Dm                C
Your glory shines before our eyes
            F                Am   G/B
The more we see, the more we love You

C                Csus4          C
King of wonders, we stand amazed
There's no other, other than You
Am                                       F
King of wonders, You know the way to our hearts
        F                                 Am  C/E  F
And the more we see, the more we love You

C              G/B
You reveal and we respond
C/E                    F                  C   Em7  C/E  F
You have shown there's no one like You God
Am            G/B
Your love and mercy welcome us
C/E              F                Am  C/E  F
Into the beauty of this holiness

           Dm                C
Your glory shines before our eyes
            F                Am   G
The more we see, the more we love You

Chorus x2
Chorus x2

Am  C/E  F  Am  C/E  F

***************************** IN G

G     - 330023
D/F#  - 332002 - Dsus4/F#
G/B   - 330020 
C     - 330230 - C2
Em    - 330220 - Em7
Am    - 012200
G*    - 300023
Gsus4 - 310023
Bm7   - 202020

    G               D/F# 
    We could try to count the stars
    G/B         C                 G    D/F# G/B  C 
    You already know them each by name
    Em           D/F# 
    Every single galaxy
       G/B            C          Em    D/F# G/B  C 
    Is Your design In majesty displayed
               Am                G 
    Your glory shines before our eyes
                C                Em   D/F# 
    The more we see, the more we love You
    G*               Gsus4          G* 
    King of wonders, we stand amazed
    There's no other, other than You
    Em                                       C 
    King of wonders, You know the way to our hearts
            C                                 Em  G/B  C 
    And the more we see, the more we love You
    G              D/F# 
    You reveal and we respond
    G/B                    C                  G   Bm7 
G/B  C 
    You have shown there's no one like You God
    Em            D/F# 
    Your love and mercy welcome us
    G/B              C                Em  G/B  C 
    Into the beauty of this holiness
               Am                G 
    Your glory shines before our eyes
                C                Em   D 
    The more we see, the more we love You
    Chorus x2
    Chorus x2
    Em  G/B  C  Em  G/B  C 


Added: 06 окт 2011 | Eugene

  • Алексей | 07 Октябрь 2011, 09:01:09 CAPO I

    Льётся свет небесных звёзд
    Имя каждой знает наш Творец
    Вся вселенная поёт
    Как велик наш чудный Бог Отец

    Льётся слава с небес
    И любовь из сердец

    Бог Великий, Словом Своим
    Возродил нас к жизни Ты
    Бог Великий, нет другого как Ты
    Кто, нас простил, возлюбил и … спас

    Ты являешь чудеса
    Открывая для Себя сердца
    Солнца свет, мерцанье звёзд
    Нам являют милости Творца