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[2015-12-25 05:53:24]

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Just in time

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву J
  • Исполнитель: Misty Edwards
  • Альбом: Eternity
  •       Misty Edwards/Relentless: Unplugged
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Другое название: Like a rushing river
  • Песни альбома:


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Like a rushing river am I
Like a raging torrent inside
I find that I’m full of knowing nothing
I find that I’m hungry for the fullness of Christ

Like a rushing river am I
Like a raging torrent inside
I find that I’m free falling again
I’m letting go of the mountain view,
Letting go, but what into

I’ve been crucified with Christ, crucified with Christ,
I’ve been crucified with Christ
Yet not I, for one thing I know

You make ALL things beautiful (3x)

Just in time (2)

What is the length, what is the width,
what is the depth, what is the height

Who come comprehend? Who can enter in? (Repeat 2)

What is the length, what is the width,
what is the depth, what is the height.

From glory to glory,
From death to life, life to death again
From strength to strength
Deep calls out to deep, Deep calls out to deep,
Deep calls out to deep
As I press on!


Добавлено: 03 фев 2010 | rudik