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It Snowed

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву I
  • Исполнитель: TobyMac
  • Альбом: Christmas In Diverse City
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 10
  • Подобрано: VeD
  • Песни альбома:


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I fell asleep around 2 am it’s almost noon
And now my mom is bangin’ down the door of my room
She said my pager’s bouncin’ and buzzin’ up off the 
And now my friends are jumpin’ and shouting outside our 
I growled at her and pulled the covers up over my head
She laughed and slammed a pillow on my face and shook my 
She said I might just wanna peek out the window
Sat up and squinted, took a peek out the window

It snowed it snowed it snowed… today let’s go out and 
It snowed it snowed it snowed… today

Hallelujah, snow angels rejoice
Let your wings unveil and lift your voice

I grabbed my toboggan and boots and I was out the door
I didn’t know that I was walking right into a war
Sliding down that icy walk feelin’ chill like outer 
Turned in time to catch a snowball right upside my face
My feet they slipped and suddenly I was up in the air
I hit the ground… laughter came from everywhere
I jumped right up and joined the making of this joyful 
And then we all fell back and waved our arms and legs 

It snowed it snowed it snowed… today let’s go out and 
It snowed it snowed it snowed… today

Hallelujah, snow angels rejoice
Let your wings unveil and lift your voice

All creation lift Your praise,
Christ is born, it’s Christmas day

It snowed it snowed it snowed… today
It snowed it snowed it snowed… today

Hallelujah, snow angels rejoice
Let your wings unveil and lift your voice

All creation lift Your praise,
Christ is born, it’s Christmas day


Добавлено: 30 авг 2012 | VeD