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In the Silence
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- Исполнитель: Hillsong Music Australia
- Альбом: People Just Like Us
- Язык: English
- Номер дорожки: 11
- Другое название: В тишине
- Песни альбома:
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In the Silence by Paul Iannuzzelli album - People Just Like Us, #11 Dadd2 | Cmaj7 | Dadd2 | Cmaj7 || Dadd2 Cadd2 In the silence of Your majesty Dadd2 Cadd2 In the splendor of Your holiness Dadd2 Cadd2 In the stillness of Your glory Em D C Let me hear Your voice Em D C -- D The gentle whisper of Your voice G Am Father, I long to stand before You Em C D And lay my life before You G D C I come to worship You alone, Oh my God I reach my hands toward You With all my heart adore You Let me hear Your voice With the power of Your presence And Your beauty all around me As the heavens stand in awe of You Let me hear Your voice The gentle whisper of Your voice © 1993 Paul Iannuzzelli / Hillsong Publishing
Добавлено: 28 июл 2009 | rudik
Ivanecki | 17 Март 2021, 14:02:31
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