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If this world

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву I
  • Исполнитель: Jaci Velasquez
  • Альбом: Heavenly Place
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 1
  • Песни альбома:


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Written by Michelle Tumes, Tyler Hayes, Erik Sundin,
Mark Heimermann

D - A - Hm
Na, na, na...
G - A
Oh, yeah.

D              A
Do you feel you've been disowned
        Hm                      G         A
Left outside in the cold and without a home?
D               A
Do you think that no cares
             Hm                    G         A
That you're lost and alone and without a prayer?

Em7       D/F#
Don't give in to the lie
That there's no one you can turn to
Em7              D/F#
Don't lose heart, there is hope
           Asus4                      A
There is someone who will never desert you 

D       A                    Hm
If this world is a lonely place for you
G             A
Fall into the arms of love
If this world is a lonely place for you
There is a God who you can trust
Who'll comfort you and lift you up

Are you looking for a friend
Who will stand by your side to the very end?
Someone who is always true
To his word be assured, He won't turn from you

Put your faith in the One
Who will never let you down
He has proven his love
Open up to all he has nor you now


He hears your cry, He sees your tears
He know your pain and all your fears
He waits for you with open arms
He longs to live inside your heart
You'll never be alone again.



Добавлено: 11 окт 2010 | rudik