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I believe

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву I
  • Исполнитель: Natalie Grant
  • Альбом: Believe
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 4
  • Другое название: Верю я
  • Тематика: Рождественское  Поклонение  
  • Песни альбома:


<< - Показать версию без аккордов - >>

(см. перевод "Верю я")

In a land far away
Time stood still
Long ago 
There were shepherds in fields
Or at least this is how 
The story goes
The story goes
Woman with child 
And a man with no room
Born in a manger 
For telling it too 
This is how 
The story goes
But it is more than a fable
And it’s more than a fairytale
And more than my mind can conceive 

I believe 
The Wiseman saw 
The baby born the angels called the son of God
Heaven’s child
The great I am 
Born to take away my sins through nailed pierced hands 
Emmanuel has come 
I believe 

Two thousand years 
Still the story lives on 
God’s gift to us 
Sent to earth 
Wrapped in flesh 
His only son 
His only son 
And the heartbeat of heaven 
Confounded our wisdom 
But it’s still the simple truth 
That sets me free 

I believe 
The Wiseman saw 
The baby born that the angels called the son of God 
Heaven’s child 
The great I am 
Born to take away my sins through nailed pierced hands
Emmanuel has come 
And I believe 

Precious child 
How can it be 
That God’s great plan 
For his story 
Would send you to 
The lonely tree 
That you would come 
For one like me 

I believe In a cross 
I believe he came For one, he came for all 
Heavens child became a plan
Gave his life for me 
In spite of all I am
I believe
I believe 
Oh I believe
Christmas lives in me 
I believe 


Добавлено: 02 дек 2010 | vetlana

  • vetlana | 08 Май 2013, 12:38:58 минус