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I believe

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  • Исполнитель: MorningStar
  • Альбом: In the Spirit
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Песни альбома:


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W/M by Don Potter
album: In the spirit, track # 06

I believe in the Blood of Jesus 
I believe there is power in the name 
I believe He died to free us 
I believe [that] He rose from the grave 

I believe He was born of a virgin 
I believe He was a sacrificial lamb 
I believe He ascended to the Father 
I believe He’s coming back again 

On this Rock, He will build His church 
This church will not be made by hands 
On this Rock, we will make a stand 
The gates of hell will not prevail ... 

I believe that God came to see us 
I believe He was an ordinary man 
I believe He left us with His Spirit 
I believe He wants to fill every man 

I believe there is mercy every morning 
I believe He’s the Ancient of Days 
I believe that His thoughts are always on us
I believe He’s forever the same 

On this Rock, He will build His church 
This church will not be made by hands 
On this Rock, we will make a stand 
The gates of Hell will not prevail ... 

I believe in the unity of brothers 
I believe that we’re different, yet the same 
I believe where two or more are gathered 
He’s in the midst, taking away the shame 

I believe if I say unto this mountain 
“Be rooted up and cast into the sea” 
I believe if I pray without doubting 
The lame will walk and the blind are going to see ... 

On this Rock, He will build His church 
This church will not be made by hands 
On this Rock, we will make a stand 
The gates of Hell will not prevail ... 


Добавлено: 11 май 2009 | rudik