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"Holy" Lyrics 	[edit]
by Rita Springer | from the album Effortless

All the angels sing holy
And all heaven renders praises to the Lamb
Upon, His throne

Son of God who died to save us
Lord of life You are the One, to free us fr-om, the bondage,
of sin

We cry o-ut A-bba, Fath-er
Your p-eople need, You again
We declare Jeh-ovah, Jehovah Redeemer
Purify our hearts
And cleanse us, from our sin

(Repeat 1st & 2nd verses)

We cry o-ut A-bba, Abba Fath-er
Oh Your p-eople need, You again
We declare Jeh-ovah, Jehovah Redeem-er
Purify our hearts
And cleanse us, from our sin

Your Father lifts up p-eoples
To call the name
To call the name
To call on the name, o-f G-od

We cry o-ut A-bba, Abba Fath-er
Oh Your p-eople, we need You again
And we declare Jeh-ovah, Jehovah Redeem-er
Purify our hearts
And cleanse us, from our sin

God of the hearts of p-eoples
To call the name
To call the name
To call on the name, of G-od
Redeem the sins of nations
To believe in the name
To believe in the name
To believe in the name of, G-od
Your Father lifts, a people
To worship the name
To worship the name
Oh A-bba, Abba F-ather
Oh Your p-eople, we need You ag-ain
We declair Jeh-ovah, Jehovah Redeemer
Glorify our hearts
Lift us, from our sin

Abba Father
You are holy


Добавлено: 21 мар 2013 | Eugene