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Heaven in my arms

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву H
  • Исполнитель: Carola
  • Альбом: Jul i Betlehem
  •       Carola/Christmas in Bethlehem
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 3
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Другое название: Himlen I Min Famn; Небеса в моїх руках (переклад Євгенія Середюка)
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Am               F             G                       C
Who has lit the starlight that shine so bright in your eyes?
F               Dm                E                 E7
How has lit the darkness for the shephards on this night?
Am                  F               G              C
How has places the strow crown that sits upon your smal
Dm                  Am              E                Am
Who has brought the wise man to the stable, presious child?


Am                   F
Are you one of many more?
G                          C
Or the one they're waiting for?
F             Dm         E           E7
You my little child, so close to my heart.
Am                  F
Have I given you in birth,
G                          C
To be the treasure of the earth.
Dm            Am             E            Am 
Are you truly heaven laying cradle in my arms?


Am                   F                G        C
Why the tears you're crying? What has made you frightened?
F                 Dm             E               E7
Why do your tiny fingers hold so tightly momma's hair?
Am              F        G                 C
See the dancing shadows, feel how soft the wind blows 
Dm                Am              E         Am
It's following an angel that was only just there




Am                F         G               C
May you greet all others as sisters and as brothers
F                Dm               E              E7
And may you be received with only love and gentleness
Am                 F       G             C
Wherever time may take you I will not forsake you
Dm                 Am                 E                Am
Grant this mother's prayer that your days of mirth be


Am               F               G                 C
Who has lit the starlight that's shining bright in your
Dm             Am           E            Am
Shining like a diamond over little Bethlehem

in Swedish

in English


Добавлено: 11 апр 2011 | Eugene

  • Eugene | 11 Апрель 2011, 22:49:33 if you have questions about Swedish songs, translations and singers - you are very wellcome to write me! ;)
    will be glad to answer your questions.

    з питань, стосовно Шведських пісень, перекладів і виконавців - звертайтеся, не соромтеся! ;)
    буду радий допомогти!

    по вопросам, касательно Шведских песен, переводов и исполнителей - обращайтесь, не стесняйтесь! ;)
    буду рад помочь!

    Har du fragor, garna skriv mig, jag svarar sa fort jag kan ;).