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Guy Song

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  • Исполнитель: BarlowGirl
  • Альбом: How Can We Be Silent
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 9
  • Песни альбома:


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Guy Song

group: BarlowGirl
album "How Can We Be Silent" (2007), track # 09
songwriter: Alyssa Katherine Barlow, Mary Ann Barlow,
Vincent Robert Barlow, Lauren Ashley Barlow,
Rebecca Elizabeth Barlow

Where would we be today if no man ever had strength to
If no man had a vision further than their eyes could
ever see
They are the ones who paved the way
To show you how you have been made for more

This is your day don't let them take it away
This is your day don't let them take it, take it
This is your day don't let them get in your way
This is your day so, come on take it, take your day

This world distracts you, lies to you and hopes to keep
you from your call
But don't be fooled 'cause don't you see that you can
stand up to it all
you're unashamed, you're unafraid to
Give up your life to serve the one who's called you

This is your day don't let them take it away
This is your day don't let them take it, take it
This is your day don't let them get in your way
This is your day so, come on take it, take your day

This is your day don't let them take it away
This is your day don't let them take it, take it
This is your day don't let them get in your way
This is your day so, come on take it, take your day


Добавлено: 08 июн 2009 | rudik