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Grace Tells Another Story

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву G
  • Исполнитель: MercyMe
  • Альбом: All That Is Within Me
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 7
  • Подобрано: VeD
  • Песни альбома:


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They say don't waste your time You simply cannot find an 
ounce of good within the heart of man
they say we've got to lay in the bed we've made and live 
this life without a second chance but
I'm inclined to say there must be something more.

We've been told that the heart is just too far gone to 
save but grace tells us another story
Where glory sends hopelessness away oh grace tells us 
another story.

They say we cannot change there is no other way get used 
to it cause this is all there is they
say don't raise your voice cause we don't have a choice 
we're dealt this hand so learn to live
with it well i have to believer there must something more. 
[back to chorus]

And though we may not understand why You'd give us another 
chance we praise You who lets us
start again.


Добавлено: 29 авг 2012 | VeD