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полная версия новости >>

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God Is Here

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву G


<< - Показать версию без аккордов - >>

Key: A
Verse 1:
Amaj7                          Dmaj7
     In Your presence there is fullness of live,
Amaj7                        Dmaj7
     And healing flowing for body, soul and mind.
Amaj7                Dmaj7                     Amaj7
    God of the impossible, God of miracles is here.
Dmaj7       A2    A  A2  A
     God is here.

       A             D                 A
God is here let the broken-hearted rejoice 
(Lift up your head)
       A             D             E
God is here, let the sick say I am well!
(All-sufficient One)
       A             D             A
God is here, let the weak say I am strong!
(Let the weak say I am strong)
       F#m7      E             D
God is here, His wonders to perform.

Verse 2:
Amaj7                          Dmaj7
     In Your presence there is perfect peace,
Amaj7                     Dmaj7
     In the stillness I behold Your deity,
Amaj7              Dmaj7            Amaj7
     God of wonder, God of power is here.
Dmaj7       A2   A  A2  A
     God is here.

(D)                             E
Oh His wonders, yes His wonders,
His wonders to perform,
Oh His wonders, yes His wonders,
                  D    (Last time: A)
His wonders to perform.


Добавлено: 24 мар 2008 | Ирина